Funded by the National Defense Education Program, Navigate the Future is designed to inspire Native American students to seek STEM academic and career paths that support our Nation’s defense. The computer science, engineering and robotics curriculum designed and delivered by Energetics Technology Center (ETC) is rarely available in Tribal high schools. Gaining proficiency in these technical areas will lay the groundwork for student academics and skills alignment for future Department of Defense (DOD). On June 5 – 16, 2023, ETC’s Virginia To and Selena Hamilton taught computer science, engineering, robotics and life skills to 30 Navajo students in Whitehorse High School in Montezuma Creek, Utah. At the close of the program, ETC presented to students solar powered rechargeable batteries to charge their devices during the summer months while away from school, when access to electricity is challenging. ETC will continue working with these student throughout the academic year and will return to Whitehorse High School in June 2024 for another summer camp.
Read an article about the program at
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